"Weak Erection should be treated urgently without any further delay Before It Becomes An Irreversible full blown ED Or Permanent lmpotency…" Dr Alba, USA
Rewind Your Sexual Life Back To How It Was In Your Prime ...With EverUp Herbal Formula.
...So Your Woman Can Become Addicted To You And Only ...100% Naturally With Zero Side Effects!
From The Kitchen, I Heard My Wife Crying
It startled me and caused me to pause for a moment…
She was on the phone with her best friend, Lynda, and what she was talking about was ME.
“Of course I love him,” she said, “we’ve been married for twelve years.”
“It’s not a matter of love or money. It’s a matter of how unfulfilled I am.
“He Just Can’t Perform Like He Used To, You Know?”
“He rarely wants to have sex anymore”
I think it’s because he’s afraid he won’t be able to get an erection and perform like a man.
Lately, he has been giving different excuses like stress from work, tiredness, too much sugar, alcohol…
I don’t know if it’s because he isn’t attracted to me anymore or what?
It makes me feel ugly and unwanted!
And now, I no longer want even to try to have sex with him.
I think part of it is that he’s just not the man he used to be.
I guess it’s something I need to deal with; that I’ll be sexually frustrated and unfulfilled for the rest of my life.
And of course, it’s upsetting. Because deep down, I do know that I am still attractive.
To be honest, other men approach me and hit on me all of the time.
Obviously, I’d never do anything, but I can’t say I don’t like the attention.
And even more than that, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with a real man who can satisfy me.
I missed it so much.
A man with an iron erection who didn’t have to give excuses.
A man who could really satisfy me, rather than my husband.”
As I Listen To This, It Felt Like A Sharp Knife Was Pierced In My Heart
It felt as if she’d just chopped off my man-hood
It was that excruciatingly painful
Slowly, I crept back out of the house, got back in my car, drove to the nearest shopping center, and sat in my car for more than two hours, tears in my eyes, struggling to breathe.
To hear her talk that way was shocking, but the more I thought about it and the more I realized I shouldn’t be surprised.
Cos, What She Was Saying Is True
I have been married for over 2decades and our marriage had always been awesome with plenty of good, wholesome sex
But as I got older, I found myself losing interest and struggling to get my soldier up like I used to.
My woman would be inside waiting for me to come to do my manly duty.
But even though my BRAIN wanted it, the message wasn’t getting passed down below to my penis.
At first, I blamed it on stress from work, my eating habits, drinking alcohol, and not getting enough exercise…
But no matter how I changed my routine, no matter what I took it kept happening.
And This Caused Me More Anxiety, Which Made The Problem Worse…
When I did manage to get it hard, I had trouble “keeping my erection.” I’d either go totally limp or get nervous and end too quick.
And my penis will become as a cooked, soggy spaghetti…
I tried different products, from pills to injections, to therapy, and many more
The pills I used did help some, but they came with so many negative side effects.
For one thing, they were incredibly expensive.
I was paying N125,000 or more every month, which worked out to over N1.4Million every year – which was really draining my pocket.
That’s not to mention the embarrassment of buying those pills in the first place…
Or the fact that they gave me stomach cramps, nausea, and other side effects…
I felt like I either had to force myself to have sex with my wife or avoid it entirely.
And because my confidence was so shaken, I became more and more afraid of being intimate.
I didn’t want to use pills, but it seemed like my most important part just wouldn’t work without them…
But, It Wasn’t Always Like This…
In my twenties, I’d been well known for my vigor and vitality.
I could go all night without losing erection and without getting tired.
All the women I was with before getting married… and my wife afterward… would comment on how much they loved being intimate with me…
I don’t know about you, but for me, having sex on a daily or bi-daily basis… being able to last as long as I wanted, and giving my lover multiple orgasms, had always been a huge point of pride.
So what the hell happened?
How did I go from a Rock Star in the bedroom to a total dud?
Was it just aging? Was something wrong with me?
I really didn’t know, which is why after hearing my wife on the phone…
I Made The Desperate Decision To Spend Every Waking Moment Of My Time Looking For A Solution For My Erectile Dysfunction…
That was when I discovered the real cause of erectile issues.
The Real Cause Of Erection Problem
Contrary to what we have been told, here is the real cause of erectile dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction has nothing to do with our age..
Think about this.
Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers married as many wives as they want, with lots of children to show for it.
Some even married younger wives at age 70+ and still satisfied these younger women.
So what happened, what changed, and why is our case different.
The answer is “Lifestyle Change”
Let Me Explain
Medical treatments are multiplying among men and some are prescribed for life.
Often, our Doctor prescribes medication for blood pressure, depression, cholesterol, and the heart.
What you are not always told is that most of these treatments have the side effect of destroying libido and killing erections.
Your body is polluted with toxins all the time. Thousands of toxins are present in your body even now.
They come from water, food, and even the air around you.
When these substances build up in your body it causes inflammation in the body and in the muscles responsible for erection.
What We Consume.
Years of cigarettes, alcohol and drug intake leave traces that have quite significant consequences.
And above all, we consume food that is filled with sugar from fast foods, to soft drinks, to carbohydrate foods like rice, eba, fufu, semo etc.
Sugar destroys the body and it is one of the leading causes of erectile issues.
Stress levels among men are higher than ever today.
Stress causes negative energy, disrupts sleep, and increases cortisol levels (a hormone that lowers testosterone and libido).
If you are stressed, you are at high risk of becoming impotent due to the secretion of the hormone cortisol.
Here’s The Good News…
The human body is capable of healing itself, and of course, of curing your erection problems.
It can also recover on its own from any injury, damaged cell, a diseased organ, and damaged muscles.
All you need to do is to give the body what it needs to heal itself, and you will get back your erection very fast…
These Can Be Achieved In Two Ways…
One: Restore your “natural health” by cleansing your body from the inside.
We need to get rid of the toxins, chemicals, and infections, that prevent it from functioning properly so that your sexual organ will function properly again.
The truth is that it may be hard to get results from any erection product If the body is not first cleansed from all these radicals.
In the face of any disease, the immune system will immediately come alive and begins to fight against it.
Two: Boost your erection and increase the rate of blood flow to your penis using God-given natural plants and herbs.
And this is where EverUp Herbal Formula Comes In..
Introducing.... EverUp Herbal.
EverUp Herbal Formula Is For Any Man, Regardless Of Age, Who Faces Or Thinks He Might Face Erectile Dysfunction, No Matter How Minor Or Severe.
What defines you as a man is not just the millions in your bank account, but also the ability to perform well in the bedroom.
Not being able to meet this obligation can lead to problems in the relationship, like losing one’s respect, losing self-confidence, and worse off, losing your woman to another man.
And this is why we have formulated this herbal product called EverUp Herbal to help put an end to weak erection, quick ejaculation, low libido, and any other erectile dysfunction issue
This product helps you get back your spark in the bedroom, no matter how long you have been battling with this issue or how severe it is, or the number of products you have tried in the past without getting any result.
Whether you find it hard to get a strong erection or maybe you are not always in the mood, or your John Thomas is shrinking and looking smaller every day.
Or if your little man sleeps off during the match, then, this EverUp Herbal is the product is the perfect solution.
Here's Why EverUp Is Good For You.
Unlike other similar products that are made with harmful chemicals, this product is made from natural herbs such as Cnestis ferruginea, Epimedium, carpology, nettle, and many more.
With its powerful mixture of over 5 carefully selected herbs, each of which was carefully selected in order to make sure they contribute to supporting your body’s normal erectile functions.
Research has shown that these herbs when combined together in the right quantities, have the ability to sustain healthy erectile function.
This product is made here in Nigeria, in our Approved and GMP-certified facility, under extremely sterile, strict, and precise conditions and all herbs are non-GMO.
They do not contain any stimulants or toxins that are harmful to the body and they are not a habit or tolerance forming.
All the ingredients are made from God-given Natural herbs that boost the body and help increase sexual performance.
This product offers a permanent solution and not temporary because it tackles erection issues from the very root.
Other similar products out there will continue to drain your money every month, but when you buy this product, it solves all the problems once and for all.
You do not have to wait for 30 or 60days days before you start seeing results. Starting from today, you will notice the effect of this product on you.
And in less than 7 days from today, your woman starts respecting you again because you will have become a sex machine.
Here Are Some Reviews
Fill the Form Below To Order For Your EverUp Herbal
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